Cryotop SC Red Pack

Cryotop for Closed System

Cryotop for Closed System

Currently in stock: 9 pcs

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Discounted price

sale (max. 1 pcs.)
  • Price without VAT: 144,00 €
  • Price including VAT: 174,24 €
144,00 €
  • Packaging: 2000 x 20µl reactions
  • Color: red
  • Price without VAT: 148,00 €
  • Price including VAT: 179,08 €
148,00 €

Cryotop® Method is the global leader in vitrification of oocytes and embryos, in all stages of development.

Wider Strip: The strip’s been widened. With a bigger surface, it is even easier to load the specimens.

Easier Insertion: The diamond tip, the reshaped conjunction between strip and handle and the widened body grant a smoother insertion into the cover straw.

Identification Marks: The Cryotop® has now two identification marks on its upper surface, defining the side where the specimens should be loaded, if you are vitrifying, or are loaded, if you are thawing.

Main characteristics:

  • Allows up to 4 specimens to be loaded per device.
  •  It has an external covering to protect the Cryotop® once vitrified. Tip with weight to prevent floating in liquid nitrogen.
  • Manufactured in malleable plastic resistant to liquid nitrogen.
  • Available in packs of 10 units.

Highest survival rates

Cryotop® Method offers proof of its outstanding results. Our survival rates over 90% are backed up by numerous clinical studies with the biggest sample sizes in the market.


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