Mastercycler X50s, 96 well

heating 10 ° C / s, cooling 5 ° C / s, with control, silver block

Mastercycler X50s closed lid
  • Manufacturer: Eppendorf
  • Ref No.: 6311000010
  • Availability: 4 weeks
  • Price without VAT: 11 190,00 €
  • Price including VAT: 13 539,90 €
11 190,00 €

Version as a separate programmable device with touch screen with the possibility to connect up to 9 eco units (without control display = slave, connection to the device with control display = master required for control, different program can run on each machine)


- fast silver block: 96 positions for 0.1 / 0.2 ml tubes (strips), PCR plates

- excellent temperature uniformity, block homogeneity at 20 -72 ° C ≤ ± 0.2 ° C, at 95 ° C ≤ ± 0.3 ° C, block temperature accuracy ± 0.15 ° C

- heating rate 10 ° C / s, cooling rate 5 ° C / s, block temperature range 4 - 99 ° C

- adjustable heating speed (ramping)

- 2D-Gradient adjustable over 12 columns and / or over 8 rows, can be set in two steps of one cycle, setting range 1 -30 ° C, temperature setting range 30 - 99 ° C

- heated lid (37 - 110 ° C) with the possibility of switching off the heating in the program, with adjustment to the height of any consumables (Flexlid)

- programs can be stored indefinitely in unlimited folders

- user and program management, log information about the device, user, program, errors can be exported for documentation

- device size: 27.5 x 43 x 33 cm, weight 11.5 kg

- airflow in the anteroposterior direction

- touch screen with intuitive graphical programming

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